Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

hair removal

Ideas On Choosing The Best Haircut For The Shape Of Your FaceMany women love having their hair cut and styled that they visit their favorite salon more than once a month. Others, however, usually cringe at the thought of going to a hair salon that they would only step in such a place twice or even once a year.The simple reason why there are many women who abhor going to a salon is because they had one or more bad experiences with the haircut that they got. The hairstyle they got was so unflattering and worse, made their tresses very hard to manage and because of this experience, they are afraid of or hate going to a salon. They seldom go to see a professional hairdresser and they would even choose to trim or cut their hair on their own.If you also had a bad haircut and now dread going to any salon, you just need to remember that when it comes to haircuts, not all styles will look good on you; the right, flattering hairstyle will depend largely on the shape of your face. As such, the reason why you may have had an unflattering haircut before is because the style is not the most ideal one suited for the shape of your face.To know which hairstyle would be the best for the shape of your face, you need to know the different common shapes first. Below are the usual shapes of faces and the type of haircuts or styles best suited for each:Round. A round face has wide cheekbones and it is as wide as it is long. If your face is round, your jaw line will also be round and full.The best hairstyle for a woman with a round face is long, layered hair with layered bangs. Or graduated shag since this provides a slenderizing shape to the face.Heart-shaped. A heart-shaped face is wide at the forehead, full at the cheekbones and narrow at the chin.A haircut that flatters the cheekbones without hiding the chin would be the best for a person with a heart-shaped face. You can have your hairdresser give you chin-length bob with tapered ends.Diamond. A diamond face is slightly longer than it is wide; the chin is pointy and high-set cheekbones are the widest part on this type of shape.Anyone who has a diamond-shaped face should go for a haircut that will allow them to how off their great bone structure. Recommended haircuts include the full, classic bob or a flipped-out layered cut.Oval. An oval-shaped face is widest at the cheekbones and has a tapered narrow jaw line.If you have an oval face, consider yourself lucky: almost all hairstyles will look great on you.

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2015

Dating Tips for a Woman

Dating Tips for a Woman of TodayNo longer are the dating tips a woman relied on when preparing for and going on a date applicable. We live in a modern world with changing values and social atmosphere;  therefore, it is important to adapt so as not to be left behind. Even if you haven’t dated recently, with just a small set of updated dating tips for a woman of today, it will be much easier to smoothly make the transition into modern life.Call HimWe have long held the notion that it was improper for a woman to call a man and that she should wait politely by the phone for him to call her. However, that’s an unfair amount of responsibility to place on a man’s shoulders. He may be just as nervous about how the woman on the other end of the line might be feeling. Take some of the pressure off of him and make the call yourself. Be a woman whose dating tips include taking initiative, being assertive, and making the first move. That is not to suggest that you should be highly aggressive but that being too timid will not get you anywhere.If You Are Hungry, Eat!The number one dating tip for a woman who likes food is to eat! Although svelte women are often thought of as very attractive, men don’t want to date women who can’t enjoy a good meal. Only ordering a salad or picking at your food while whining about how fat you are is not attractive to any man. Confidence and gusto for life (and food!) are more likely to win him over. In fact, knowledge of cooking may be even more attractive to a potential mate. Some women fear that cooking for a man is somehow demeaning, but in fact it shows intelligence and a skill set that he may not possess himself. These are both very empowering qualities.Play the FieldUnless you’ve been on several dates and have defined your relationship as something other than casual, there is no reason not to accept invitations from other men as well. After all, there is no sense limiting your option in the early stages of a relationship. A dating tip for a woman who does this though is that it’s essential that you’re honest with any dates about this because lying about having other prospects means that you may not be altogether comfortable with the situation and that’s bound to cause problems down the line.Dating Tips for a Woman of TodayNo longer are the dating tips a woman relied on when preparing for and going on a date applicable. We live in a modern world with changing values and social atmosphere;  therefore, it is important to adapt so as not to be left behind. Even if you haven’t dated recently, with just a small set of updated dating tips for a woman of today, it will be much easier to smoothly make the transition into modern life.Call HimWe have long held the notion that it was improper for a woman to call a man and that she should wait politely by the phone for him to call her. However, that’s an unfair amount of responsibility to place on a man’s shoulders. He may be just as nervous about how the woman on the other end of the line might be feeling. Take some of the pressure off of him and make the call yourself. Be a woman whose dating tips include taking initiative, being assertive, and making the first move. That is not to suggest that you should be highly aggressive but that being too timid will not get you anywhere.If You Are Hungry, Eat!The number one dating tip for a woman who likes food is to eat! Although svelte women are often thought of as very attractive, men don’t want to date women who can’t enjoy a good meal. Only ordering a salad or picking at your food while whining about how fat you are is not attractive to any man. Confidence and gusto for life (and food!) are more likely to win him over. In fact, knowledge of cooking may be even more attractive to a potential mate. Some women fear that cooking for a man is somehow demeaning, but in fact it shows intelligence and a skill set that he may not possess himself. These are both very empowering qualities.Play the FieldUnless you’ve been on several dates and have defined your relationship as something other than casual, there is no reason not to accept invitations from other men as well. After all, there is no sense limiting your option in the early stages of a relationship. A dating tip for a woman who does this though is that it’s essential that you’re honest with any dates about this because lying about having other prospects means that you may not be altogether comfortable with the situation and that’s bound to cause problems down the line.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

How Eating Raw Food for Health Makes You a Better Lover

Eating Raw Food for Health And Much MoreIt is valuble to understand why eating raw food is the best way to obtain

health, energy and easy weight loss.  Once you have this knowledge it will be much easier to muster up the will power

for starting a raw food diet to allow the miracle of live raw food to bring you excellent health and energy.  What Is

A Raw Foods Diet?A raw foods diet is one primarily consisting of uncooked vegetables, fruit, sprouts, seeds, grains,

beans and nuts.  The philosophy behind such a seemingly narrow selection is that the enzymes of any food heated at 118

degrees F  and above are destroyed.  Some people naturally believe this diet is vegan but this is not true.  Raw

cheeses, milk, eggs and even fish are enjoyed by many that follow a raw foods diet.  These foods will make starting a

raw food diet and the transition to eating raw food much easier, but whether these foods are healthy is up for debate.

 As you might have guessed, no baked, steamed or fried food will allow the live raw food to remain intact.  However,

it is important to acknowledge that when starting a raw food diet, it is permissible to "cheat", and I actually

encourage doing so as to ensure that detoxification is not too rapid.  Thus, you will still be able to enjoy

variations of many of your favorite foods for as long as you feel comfortable, and still reap the benefits of this

diet.   To some this sounds like another unsatisfying, impossible diet, but the simplicity of the effectiveness of

eating raw food has persuaded many, and the benefits have failed to astound few. Click 

to learn three important tricks for sticking to a raw food diet long term. Enzyme Depletion and DiseaseThe most

simplified reason for eating raw food is for the enzymes.  This is the most common word you will hear associated with

a raw foods diet.  Enzymes are proteins that help to speed up reactions in the body so that we are able to utilize the

nutrients we need from food.   Without enzymes, life would cease to exist.  They are often described to as the life

force that utilizes every substance we deem essential to life, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc..  An enzyme

has a particular structure to do a specific job.  It is speculated that there are millions of different kinds of

enzymes; there is an enzyme to digest milk and a different one for proteins, carbohydrates, etc. When you heat food

above a certain temperature the enzymes of that food are destroyed, just as a high fever will denature the enzymes in

the cells of a person and ultimately cause death if left unchecked.  Despite the destruction of enzymes in food, our

bodies can supply its’ own enzymes to digest food that has been depleted of them.  This is the argument many people

use for justifying cooked food.  Yet, the raw foodist would rebuttal that our enzymes were meant to merely assist or

be a back up.  After all, enzymes do more than aid digestion.  They are responsible for the growth of new cells,

healing the body, and transporting every nutrient we require.  When you continually tax other systems of your body for

these enzymes there is a price to be paid.  The organs diminish in their ability to function and rather than giving us

energy, our meals cause fatigue.  Disease, depression, etc all set in, and yet, we are none the less baffled by our

failing health. Don't like veggies? No problem, because one of the best way to get in your enzymes is by drinking

green smoothies.  This is one of the best detox recipes on the raw food diet menu.  Blend up all your greens with a

sweet fruit like an orange or banana and gulp it down.  A juicer is also great to use if you have one.  Start by

having just one glass in the morning and work your way up to more.The Bodies Response to Cooked FoodFor me, the most

startling argument for eating raw food is the way the body reacts to it in contrast to cooked food.  For some time

now, researchers have been aware of the presence of

in the body when cooked food is eaten, but thought of it as standard procedure by the body for digestion since they

couldn’t explain it.  It wasn’t until 1930 that Dr. Kouchakoff discovered the absence of Digestive Leukocytosis when

raw food is eaten, rather than cooked.   Leukocytosis means there is an increase in the number of leukocytes (white

blood cells) in the blood.  This can be triggered by any number of things, such as fever, infection, inflammation,

etc., and is most commonly found in physically ill persons with conditions such as cancer or viral and bacterial

infections. In fact, a persons white blood cell count is often a laboratory finding used in order to diagnosis

disease. Conditions, such as those mentioned, warn the body that something is wrong and help is needed.  Is there then

not something to be said about eating raw food if the body responds in such a way?  Cooked food triggers an immune

response and over time results in a chronic depletion of metabolic enzymes from white blood cells, leaving the body

susceptible to disease and infection without its main line of defense.  Weight LossThere is MUCH to say on
raw food weight loss

, mostly because we are very uneducated on the reasons as to why we are overweight.  This is a little intro to help

you begin to see the bigger picture.Aside from the weight you will lose from simply cutting out processed junk food

and refined carbohydrates, there are deeper underlying reasons for why eating raw food leads to easy weight loss.  In

fact, you can even eat more calories on a raw foods diet than a cooked one, and still lose the weight.  For the

reason, we once again come back to enzymes.  Lipase is the enzyme used for fat metabolism.  In addition to digesting

fat, this enzyme distributes and burns fat. When you are following a raw food diet plan and getting the proper amount

of enzymes needed by your body, you will even notice a feeling of satiety because your fats are finally being

metabolized properly.   Even as a vegetarian my weight would creep up on me if I didn’t deprive myself.  I used to

blame it on slow metabolism without realizing that my body lacked the resources to utilize the fat I was giving it. 

Come to think of it, the only thing I didn’t cook was lettuce.  The runner up enzyme, crucial for weight loss, is

Protease.  Protease breaks down proteins and eliminates toxins.  You will need this enzyme once you start burning fat

and this is because toxins are stored in fat.  Whether your body is battling environmental toxins or those from the

junk you have been feeding it, the human body is none the less resilient, and tries to protect you by storing the bad

stuff in a safe place when there is too much for it to battle with at once.  Yet, once you begin a healthy diet, high

in lipase and low in toxins, you will begin to shed pounds and these toxins are reluctantly released, causing water

retention and some bloating.  Protease will help flush all this junk out that has been let back into your system.  The

human body is very efficient and to say it is a machine is to greatly undermine its brilliance.  You ask, “why am I

always hungry even though I eat and eat and eat?” The question has become so common and yet so complicated because no

one can answer it.  The truth of the matter is that you must look at the goal and design of the body.  When your body

tells you it is hungry it is telling you it needs fuel.  This fuel is vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, etc.  Only

live raw food can give you all this!  It needs fuel and it is not getting enough from food that has been processed and

cooked.  This is why we have cravings, it is because the body is desperately trying to tell you what it is lacking! 

Thus, the vicious cycle begins in which there is a threat of starvation because there is food but no nutrients, and so

the body stores more fat.  But you are still hungry because you have not given your body what it wants and the process

is repeated.  Break the cycle by starting a raw food diet. PH and Eating Raw FoodThe PH of your body is so important

that I highly recommend you research it further.  There is a great book called The PH Miracle, by Dr. Robert Young and

you can read my article on
alkaline food

to introduce you to the subject. The PH of your body determines whether disease can thrive in your body or not.  PH is

the foundation of health.  It is the most important thing you can look at if you want to learn to reverse or prevent

disease.  What does this have to do with eating raw food?  Raw food is mostly all alkaline and this is a very good

thing.  PH is measured on a scale of 1-14 with 1 being extremely acidic, 7 being neutral and 14 being extremely

alkaline.  The human body goes to great lengths to maintain a slightly alkaline PH of 7.35. You can purchase PH test

strips at a health food store, specialty super market or pharmacy.  Those that I know of get their readings from

either your urine or saliva.  You should wait about two hours after eating so the test is not altered by the PH of the

food you are digesting.  7.1-7.5 is considered to be healthy but going above or below that range is a reliable sign

that your body’s defenses are down. Cancer patients often have readings of about 4.3. It is important to note that the

PH scale is logarithmic, so if the reading is 6 it is a PH ten times more acidic than 7 and if it is 5 it is 100 times

more acidic. It is interesting to note that most children are alkaline, but a very large percentage of adults are

acidic.  Live raw food will make the body alkaline. There are exceptions if you want to maintain a strict regimen to

alkalize the body, but for the most part eating a raw foods diet of fresh  organic vegetables, sprouts, fruits, nuts

and seeds will restore your body to its desired state. Lemons and limes are very alkaline once they are in the body,

despite their acidic taste.  Meat and dairy are acidic as are nuts such as peanuts (which are actually a legume). If

you want to follow a strict alkaline diet to jump start your health you can refer to a list of alkaline foods , or

simply a list of raw foods.